

This course includes a brief history of astronomy and includes current ideas related to the Sun, single and binary stars, star clusters, stellar evolution, black holes, galaxies, relativity, the curvature of space time and cosmology including dark matter and dark energy as well as, the search for life beyond our planet.

In this class, you can expect to,

  • Become more proficient at solving problems,
  • Develop and understanding of the stars, planets, galaxies, black holes and other phenomena in the cosmos
  • Communicate scientific ideas
  • Use and apply the scientific method to understand astronomy

Topics covered

Stars including our Sun, Stellar evolution including black holes and Neutron stars, Galaxies,  Dark matter, Dark Energy, the search for life in the universe

A word on the following,

Homework/class work most work will be completed in class. Any work not work that a student is not able to complete in class (including if a student was absent) will need to be completed  and turned in the next class.

Online text book –  The primary textbook for the class will be OER Astronomy and can be found here:

Technology  use  -Students will often use apps on their phones and their computers as part of this course. Students are expected to be respectful, responsible and safe in their use of technology with their use of technology as per school policy.

Help outside of class. Homework from every class session. Students should have ample time to ask questions in class. Students who need more help can meet me during club time or after school.

Academic Honesty – Students are encouraged to help each other on problems in the homework when they get stuck. However, students are not allowed to copy assignments from another student and turn it in as their own.If a student is found to be copying another students paper both the student copying and the student whose paper is being copied will receive zero and the incident will be reported to the office. The best way to help with out copying it help with showing the other student their assignment.


Grading – Homework and participation 20%  Tests, quizzes and projects 80%

I’m looking forward to our year together.