

Concordia International School Hanoi

Course Outline:

High School Geometry assumes that the student has demonstrated a solid foundation in algebra. It continues with an inductive approach to understanding the concepts and terminology of elementary geometry. Geometric discoveries will be made through individual and group investigations. Important geometric formulas will be derived and applied to solve “real world” problems.  Topics include the relationships between points, lines, and planes; the axiomatic system; logical thinking and proof-writing; measurement, including area and volume; congruency; similarity; two and three dimensional geometric figures; parallel and perpendicular lines; and the coordinate plane. Instruction in this course is designed for college-bound students.


Suggestions and Expectations to succeed in the Study of Geometry

Having the right answer is not always the most important goal in Geometry.  But having the right questions is important. Learning and academic advancement can only take place if you have a head full of questions that test, try, and challenge what is obvious to some and the conventional thought of the day.

  • Ask questions in class if you don’t understand something.
  • Listen while someone else including a classmate is talking or answering a question.
  • Wait your turn to talk, ask, or answer a question.
  • Keep your work and drawings neat and orderly. Include each step of a skill or task which will make it easier to remember and easier to explain to others. (Avoid skipping steps).
  • Work hard and do your best each day – it will pay off in the end.
  • Do not worry about small mistakes in calculations that you or others make…  that is normal and happens to all of us from time to time.
  • Keep positive, have fun with math, and make it interesting for yourself and others.



Algebra I or its equivalent

Timing and Topic Order:

Semester 1  Semester 2 
1st Quarter (Nine weeks). 3rd Quarter (Nine weeks).
  • Points, Lines, and Planes Essentials of Geometry.
  • Figures in the Plane.
  • Reasoning and Proof
  • Right Triangles and Trigonometry Quadrilaterals.
  • Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
  • Properties of Transformations
2nd Quarter (Nine weeks). 4th Quarter(Nine weeks).
  • Triangles
  • Circles and Measurements Properties of Circles
  • Congruent triangles
  • Measuring Length and Area Surface Area and Volume of Solids
  • Relationships within Triangles Similarity


Hard Copy Textbook:

Larson R, Boswell L, Kanold T, Stiff L, © 2011, Geometry, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Orlando Florida


Electronic Resources:




It would be recommendable to purchase a TI Nspire for use in Geometry that could also be used in your other math and science classes, Concordia Recommends the: “TI Nspire CX CAS Handheld” which may be purchased through Texas Instruments Vietnam.


Quarter Assessment & Weightings:

Tests, quizzes and projects  65%
Homework  35%

It is important that students develop good study, organizational, and time management skills.  Turning assignments in on time is important.  Therefore depending on the reason late homework will likely be penalized. It is important for students to complete all assignments even if they are late and therefore they will receive at least some credit for work that is turned in late. Teachers are unable to change grades from a previous marking period.Attendance, effort and behavior will be reported separately.


Testing Occurrences

  1. Quizzes should be expected one or two times for each chapter of work.
  2. Cumulative Test after Chapter 6 – End of Quarter 2, Semester 1
  3. Cumulative Test after Chapter 12 – End of Quarter 4, Semester 2 (Final Exam)


Class Code of Conduct:

  1. Respect Self, Peers, Staff and Property
  2. Act With Common Sense and Integrity
  3. Follow Instructions
  4. Strive Consistently For Excellence



Absence from school is not an acceptable excuse to fail meeting class obligations. Students who miss more than five (5) minutes of any class will be counted absent for that period. Students who are detained by teachers must present a pass from the teacher in the preceding class. Credit for the course may be lost if more than 15% of any class is missed. All absences, excused or unexcused, are included in the 15% calculation.


Work Missed During an Absence:

Work not completed due to an absence must be made up following the student’s return to school. Students will need to check with their teacher to determine how much time they have to make up their work. Work assigned one week or more before the absence will likely not be given an extension and must be delivered to the teacher by 8:30 AM on the day it is due.


Late Arrival to Class – Tardy:

Students are to report to the School Office prior to going to class when arriving late to school. Entering class without a pass from a staff member after the class has started (first period included) is considered a tardy arrival. A record of period tardy arrivals will be reported to the Administration.



Honesty is highly valued at Concordia. Cheating, copying and plagiarism are not acceptable and are considered contrary to belief in honest behavior. It is important that all students do their own work. The teacher will notify the administration in writing of all incidents of Academic Dishonesty.



  • Zero on the assignment
  • Any consequence of academic dishonesty may also include any of the following consequences: suspension, behavioral probation, or expulsion.

Progress Reports and Report Cards:

Students and parents are expected to use their access to Sycamore to check on their ongoing progress. Report cards will be emailed home twice each year.


Letter Grades and Grade Point Average:

Are calculated using the following table:


Grade Percentage GPA Grade Percentage GPA
A 93.0 – 100 4.00 C 73.0 – 76.99 2.00
A- 90.0 – 92.99 3.67 C- 70.0 – 72.99 1.67
B+ 87.0 – 89.00 3.33 D+ 67.0 – 69.00 1.33
B 83.0 – 86.99 3.00 D 63.0 – 66.99 1.00
B- 80.0 – 82.99 2.67 D- 60.0 – 62.99 0.67
C+ 77.0 – 79.00 2.33 F < 59.99 0.00


*This Course Syllabus may be subject to change with instructor’s discretion. Should it change students will be given fair notice.




I think the universe is pure geometry – basically, a beautiful shape twisting around and dancing over space-time.

Antony Garrett Lisi