Supplemental Videos

Course Introduction

Physics map

Ch 2 Motion in One Direction
Khan Academy – Introduction to motion

Ch 3 Two Dimensional Motion and Vectors

Khan Academy – Projectile motion part 1

Khan Academy – Inclined Plane Force

Ch 4 Forces and the Laws of Motion

The science of falling back in your chair – practical engineering

Best film on Newton’s third law

Ch 5 Work and Energy

Work and Energy – Khan Acacademy

Ch 6 Momentum and Collision

Conservation of momentum demo

Stacked ball bounce (conservation of momentum)

Physics of a car crash

Ch 7 Circular Motion and Gravitation

Spinning v-sauce

Why are astronauts weightless?

Misconceptions about falling objects

Mechanical Advantage

Why is our solar system flat?

Gravity demonstration (relativity)

Bill Nye – Gravity

Artificial gravity and the Death Star

Mechanical Advantage

Moment of Inertia

slinky drop slo mo

Ch 8 Fluid Mechanics

Airplane flight explained

Space Straw – buoyancy force explained

Imploding a tanker car -Mythbusters

Ch 9 Heat

Crash Course Heat

A cool interactive site on Heat

Misconceptions about Heat

Super cooled water

How hot can it get?

Why do compressed air cans get cold?

Absolute Cold – Spacetime

Ch 10 Thermodynamics

Is time real?

What is entropy?

Ted Talk – What is entropy?

A different video on What is entropy?

Entropy and the origin of the universe

How does a combustion engine work?

Howe does a refrigerator work?

The arrow of time – Minute physics

Crash course Thermodynamics

how a motor works

Ch 11 Vibrations and Waves

Wave machine demonstration

Gravitational Waves – the late show

What is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle?

Measure for Measure – wave nature of reality

Shrodinger’s Cat Sixty Symbols

Pilot wave theory Veritasium

Cymatics: Ruben’s Tube Vs. Tesla Coil


Ch 12 Sound

Standing waves by Doc Physics

Waves on strings by Doc Physics

Sound: Crash Course Physics

Music: Crash Course Physics

Shock waves and sonic booms

Doppler effect

Resonance by Idiot Physics

Harmonics on a guitar

Harmonics in a tube. (Doc physicis)

CNN article – quietest room

Harmonics on a tube Khan Academy

Online tone generator

Virtual Oscilloscope

Ch 13 Light and Reflection

Original double slit experiment

Is light a particle or a wave?

What is wave particle duality part 1?

Wave particle duality part 2

How to make color by making holes

Light and the nature of reality (55 min)

You live in the past

How the Earth moves

Why stars shine?

Why is glass transparent – Ted EX

Why is glass transparent?

Concave mirror

Conceptual questions – light

What is a laser?


Ch 14 Refraction

Why is light slower in glass?

Why the sky isn’t blue

How to see clearly with out glasses

Ch 15 Interference and Diffraction

Interference and diffraction

Ch 16 Electric Forces and Fields

Fields – Forces at a distance

5 fun physics phenomena

Answers to 5 fun physics phenomena

How to draw electric field lines

Ch 17 Electrical Energy and Current

How electricity works

Mechanical Universe – Making an electric current with a magnet

How a light bulb works

How lightning works

How to survive lightning strike

How lightning rods work part 1

How lightning rods work part 2

Ch 18 Circuits and Circuit Elements

What is a short circuit?

Circuit troubles

Parallel and series  circuits

Parallel and series circuits analyzed (math)

Ch 19 Magnetism

How do magnets work?

How do generators work?

Ch 20 Electromagnetic Induction

Electromagnetic Induction explained

Levitating barbecue with magnetic induction

Ch 21 Atomic Physics

Quantum Enganglement

Ch 22 Sub Atomic Physics

What is the Higg’s Boson?

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle

Michio Kaku Explains String Theory

String Theory – Ted EX

Other assorted interesting topics

Time Travel

Antimatter explained

Do events inside a black hole happen? (PBS Space-time)

Quantum Entanglement TED ex

Cosmology part 1

Cosmology part 2

Measure for Measure Double slit experiment

Brian Greene What is beyond the double slit experiment

Veritasium- pilot wave

Shrodinger’s cat 

Evidence for parallel universes


General sites


The Physics Aviary

phet – phyiscs simulations