Final Project – after AP Exam

This page contains information for the final project This is NOT on the AP exam

Students who wish to make a game with animation, should work on the following sections from

Do Interactive Games and Animations Unit 3 sections: 3,4,7,8,12,13,15,16,18,19

AP Computer Science Principles Project Introduction

AP CSP End of Course Project Planning Guide

AP CSP Final Project Scoring Rubric

AP Computer Science Principles End of School year project reflection

One option for a project is to make an app for publication here is information for writing apps:

This information is only needed for students who choose to write an app for publication

Flutter is an open source frame work sponsored by Google that facilitates making apps that work on any platform

Free tutorial on how to use flutter

A more in depth course on Flutter

A 37 hour course on Flutter

Steps for creating a WiChat mini program

(how is it different from a web application

Wi chat mini program free course Udacity–ud667

Free course on how to use Svelte (an app that works on any application written in Javascript)